
Following is a list of 23 siddhi powers...

(Warrior Siddhi Power)

1. Trikalajriatvam - knowledge of the past, present and future.
2. Advandvam: to be beyond pleasure-pain, cold-heat, soft-hard. Non-duality.
3. Parachittadyabhijnata: knowledge of dreams and the mind.
4. Pratishtambah: control of effect of fire, wind, water, poisons, weapons, and the sun.
5. Aparajayah: Victorious. Not able to be defeated.

The next are considered only to occur as the heart begins to purify and flower:

6. Anumimattvam: hunger, thirst, grief, sorrow, infatuation, delusion and confusion of the mind, old age and death do not harm the body.
7. Doorshravan: to hear, sitting at one place, speech from however distant a place.
8. Dudarshan: to see simultaneously events and things in all the realms.
9. Manojava: the body can travel at the speed of thought to any place.
10. Kaamaroopa: to assume any form. Shapeshifting.
11. Parakayapravesh: ability to enter into another's body, whether they are dead or alive.
12. Swachchandamrutyu: to die at one's own will, death having no control over one.
13. Sahakridanudarshanam: to see the sports of gods in heaven and have capacity and prowess to participate in it.
14. Yathaasamkalpa samsiddhi: to attain whatever is desired.
15. Ajnaapratihataagatih: whereby one's command and movement have no obstruction.

These are considered to be the highest siddhi powers:

16. Anima: the reduction of one's form to one atom. Invisibility.
17. Mahima/Garima: the body can be made to be very heavy.
18. Laghima: the body can be made to be extremely light
19. Prapti: abilty to acquire objects of sense pertaining to the respective organs.
20. Prakaashya: to see invisible things in other realms.
21. Ishitaa: to stimulate bodies and creatures Control of forces of nature.
22. Vashita: to have control or dominion over the senses.
23. Yatkamastadavasyati: To obtain joy by willing it so. The cessation of misery and desire. This is considered to be the highest state of bliss.

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