

Clear, Clean, Shine those Chakras!




1. Lay down on a firm surface, i.e. hard bed, carpet, sandy beach, grass. Bend your knees up. (You can also try it standing or sitting.)

2. Take a few relaxing breaths. Empty your mind. Let go of tension. Let go of ego. Settle in.

3. Begin to take deeper breaths. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth like you are blowing out birthday candles. Make it completely "circular" with no pauses between inhales and exhales.

4. On the inhale, rock your pelvis, arching your lower back and flattening on the exhale. Squeeze the pubococcygeus muscles (the muscles you squeeze to stop the flow of urine) on the exhale (also called Bundas). These squeezes can actually stimulate the clitoris and G-spot, penis and testicles, while pumping up energy throughout your entire body. In other words, inhale while filling your belly like a balloon, exhale and flatten your back while contracting the PC muscles. Repeat continuously. Your legs may open and close like butterfly wings. Let the breathing and contractions be erotic.

5. Energy follows thought, so use your mind to begin to pull in energy from the earth/atmosphere into the perineum. Build fire in the sex center (1st and 2nd chakras). Circulate the energy back and forth. When this area is well "lit," go up to the belly area and start circulating from the genital area to the belly, around and around (2nd and 3rd chakras). Circulate until the fire is burning stronger.

6. Go to the next level - the heart. Circulate from belly to heart, belly to heart (3rd and 4th chakras).

7. Now try the throat. Circulate from heart to throat, heart to throat (4th and 5th chakras). When the energy moves up, you may automatically make some sounds. If not, you can consciously make sounds, as this helps to open the throat for the energy to move up. Keep circulating between the heart and throat, until you feel the energy move up to the Third Eye.

8. Circulate the energy from throat to Third Eye, throat to Third Eye (5th and 6th chakras).

9. Circulate from the Third Eye to the top of your head (7th chakra). At a certain point it may feel like the energy is shooting out the top of your head, like water out of a hose. Soon, you will kick into full body orgasm. Go with it. Your breathing patterns will change. You may scream, you may "melt," you may laugh hysterically, you may feel your back arch and your fists may clench. With practice you can learn to ride the waves and keep the orgasms going for a very long time....


Quote of the day

"What does money like? Money likes speed. That's the secret few know about money. Money comes to those who act fast. If you think, wonder, question, doubt, plan, meet, discuss, or in any other way drag your feet, money goes to the next person in line."
­- Joe Vitale


Year of the Ox

Rat: A great year to enjoy family; however, be prepared to take on more responsibilities for less gain than you're used to achieving.

Ox: A good year to marry or form business partnerships, and expect children to be added to your family. Annoying delays won't ruin things, so relax.

Tiger: If you watch your temper and resist roaring over delays and misunderstandings, things will work out very well for you before the year ends.

Rabbit: The retiring nature of this Ox year will reduce the stress you'd normally experience while under Ox's influence. Plans take longer, though.

Dragon: You won't set the world on fire this year, but you seem to exist in a magical bubble, protected from others' troubles and anxieties.

Snake: Things may not run as smoothly as you like, but if you don't get distracted by delays and complications, there's a big opportunity awaiting you.

Horse: Consolidate rather than expand this year and you will be given a great deal more power. Use care with children and subordinates.

Sheep (Ram, Goat): Lay low and keep it simple this year, as challenges will be flying at you from all directions. Also budget closely and carefully.

Monkey: Rather than struggling over slowdowns at work, take the time to enjoy family and friends. Take extra care of your health.

Rooster: This is your year to recover lost ground and depleted resources! There's plenty of support on hand. Careful of sharp objects.

Dog: You may be plagued with misunderstandings and uncertainties despite good intentions. Revel in simple pleasures and avoid confrontation.

Pig (Boar): Great prospects and unerring hunches will pay off this year. There may be romantic or family complications, but small ones.

Gung Hay Fat Choy.


Prepare for Chinese New Year : Hard Working Earth Ox.

Chinese New Year sets off the beginning of the spring and is popularly recognized as the Spring Festival. The Chinese follow the Lunar/Solar calendar rather than the western calender. Chinese New Year is the first day of the lunar calendar, and marks the start of a traditional celebration of the 1st day of the Lunar year and will last for the next 15 days and ends with the first full moon of the new year with The Lantern Festival.

Chinese New Year is of the utmost importance to every Chinese family as it is time for gathering. Many superstitions are also associated with the ritual and the traditions of new year celebrations. Though many Chinese today do not follow the traditions of the do's and don'ts.

Celebrations start with house cleaning prior to the New Year's Day, to remove all the old stale luck of the past year. Sweeping or dusting should not be done on the New Year Day (1/26/09) and all brooms, brushes and other cleaning equipment are put away, for they have the fear that their good fortune will be swept away.

Decorate your living room with vases of pretty flowers, platters of oranges and a candy tray with eight varieties of dried sweet fruit. Doors and windows are decorated with vertical scrolls, paper cuts and couplets with themes such as happiness, wealth and longevity printed on red paper.

Fireworks are the sign of getting rid of the old and welcoming the new. Wear something red as red color is considered to be auspicious and is meant to ward off evil spirits. The first thing to do on New Year's day is, they eat/drink something sweet in the morning and also say nice things to other people.

Do not use knives or scissors on New Year's Day as these things may cut off their fortune. Do not wash your hair on that day, as it might wash away the good luck for the year. Do not use bad or Unlucky words, and even don't scold their children, though they are mischievious.

Though the celebrations of the Chinese vary with that of ours, the underlying message is that of peace and happiness for family members and friends for the whole year. Gung Hay Fat Choy.


The New Psychology

Every thought brings into action certain physical tissue, parts of the brain, nerve, or muscle. This produces an actual physical change in the construction of the tissue. Therefore it is only necessary to have a certain number of thoughts on a given subject in order to bring about a complete change in the physical organization of a man.
This is the process by which failure is changed to success. Thoughts of courage, power, inspiration, and harmony are substituted for thoughts of failure, despair, lack, limitation, and discord; and as these thoughts, the physical tissue is changed and the individual sees life in a new light. Old things have actually passed away. All things have become new. He is born again, this time born of the spirit. Life has a new meaning for him. He is reconstructed and is filled with joy, confidence, hope, and energy. He sees opportunities for success to which he was heretofore blind. He recognizes possibilities which before had no meaning for him. The thoughts of success with which he has been impregnated are radiated to those around him, and they in turn help him onward and upward; he attracts to him new and successful associates, and this in turn changes his environment; so that by this simple exercise of thought, a man changes not only himself, but his environment, circumstances, and conditions.

-- Charles F. Haanel,
The New Psychology





Kundalini "Breath of Fire"

This two and a half minute exercise make me feel quite excellent.

Intro to Kundalini Yoga with GURMUKH

This woman is 58. Wow.


Third Eye

The Absence of Suffering...

You will experience an absence of suffering and a tremendous flowering of the heart where you’ll begin to discover states of love and compassion. In these times we are basically living for ourselves. "I live for my self and you live for yourself" is the philosophy and therefore there is really no one there at all to care for each other. It has become a planet of orphans with no parents. A planet of patients with no doctors. In this state you will begin to care for others. Not just a few loved ones here and there but for all of humanity there is deep concern and compassion.

One who is Enlightened has no suffering in his life, therefore he also does not create suffering for others or for the world around him. If you look at the world you find that happy person gives happiness to others and such of those people who are constantly mad at others, hurt others, curse others, and seek revenge are suffering within. One who is suffering spiritually and psychologically is a danger to the world around him.

Man in his natural is enlightened. Suffering is the aberration. There was a time when enlightenment was the rule rather than the exception. The seemingly "unused" space in the left cerebral cortex of the brain is a remnant of that time. It was once used to get in touch with and experience Cosmic Consciousness. Many factors went into the gross degeneration of human consciousness. Some were planetary. A star called Mulam has recently entered near proximately to the Earth. When the Earth is receiving cosmic radiation from this star, it affects the DNA of man. He naturally functions differently. His senses and the mind are affected and he opens up to the mystical realm. When the Earth is not receiving emanations from this star his consciousness becomes dull, his senses are numbed and the mystical dimension closes. He becomes more of a physical being unable to determine what is essential for life on this planet and what is irrelevant. He becomes very insecure and dangerous to the planet.

Right now the Earth is receiving radiations from Mulam. The Cosmic Energy is flowing on to the Earth. It has been approximately 24,000 years. While this phenomenon signifies Earth changes, it also means that enlightenment is available to the average being. States of consciousness once attained by just a few sages, saints, mystics, and prophets are available to any who seriously seek liberation from ignorance and its ugly spawn, suffering.


Activating Sahasrara

The Sanskrit Chant that activates Sahasrara is:

Sat Chit Ananada
Parabrahma Purushothama Paramathma
Sri Bhagavathi Sametha
Sri Bhagavathe Namaha

In general, the siddha has the realization of non-duality. Thought and objective are no different. What stands between energy and matter is the illusion of time. The wisdom of the relationship between energy matter and time can lead to freedom.

In the ancient sense, Enlightenment is described merely as liberation from suffering. If you consider that suffering arises from ignorance-that it is in the perception of the fact rather than the fact itself, it is easy to see the connection. It is very easy to see Enlightenment (Illumination) and Ignorance (Darkness) as opposite ends of the same spectrum..

Enlightenment can be spoken about in 3 levels, although the enlightenment experience varies greatly. At the first level it is experiencing or perception of reality as it is. You could say that reality unveils itself to you. The Mind no longer interfers with the experience. Today when you are looking at the world; you are not actually seeing it. What is happening within is a lot of chatter. There is interference from the past, so much judgment, and day dreaming about the future. Enlightenment at this stage is where the interference of the mind stops. The eyes begin to see. The ears begin to truly hear. The senses are no longer numbed or overridden by the internal dialog. You could say they spring to life.

At the second stage Enlightenment is feeling a tremendous sense of connectedness with the world around you. You feel connected to the sky, the earth, the food you are eating, the grass you are sitting on, the person you are speaking with, the birds. You can see how the entire creation went into the tiniest thing. Nothing is absolute. Nothing stands alone. There is an intense sense of sacredness and gratitude. There is a sense of belonging. All obsession is appeased.

At the third stage Enlightenment it is no longer merely a sense of connectedness but an experience of complete union with the Universe. You experience Cosmic Consciousness. You are what you see. There is no sense of separate existence.


Satyaloka (effects on the 7 chakras)

Satyaloka is an ancient community of Enlightened Beings called the Siddha Purushas.

Some effects of meditation on the various chakras are as follows:

Mooladhara -"Foundation" or Root Chakra-Darduri Siddhi or Frog Jump Siddhi can occur. Can rise in the air by various degrees. Whatever one thinks will happen. There is memory of past life experiences. Security, inner purity, softness of the voice, the burning of all negative karma. The mind is conquered and success is easily obtained. Many obstacles are annihlated. When the Point of Awareness is in Mooladhara there will be great anger, and often clenched fists and tightened jaw. There may be violent or angry behavior often based on insecurity and fear. Security is of utmost importance when awareness is in Mooladhara, as is sleep and food. Discomfort is not tolerated well. Mooladhara sleeping pattern is often between ten & twelve hours, usually on the stomach.

Swadistana or "Dwelling Place of the Self" is often called the Second Chakra-Charisma, psychic powers, control of the senses is gained as is creative abilty. There is freedom from jealousy, greed, lust and anger. Relationships are perfected and there is a sense of deep inner peace- a flow. When the Point of Awareness is in Swadistana one may live in a fantasy world-thinking himself to be a king, a savior, invaluable, famous, a destroyer of evil, a reincarnation of a great being, superhuman or perhaps even an alien. He has high self esteem and is often very chivalrous. He may be artistic or love art, acting and costume. Desire for physical sensations, lust and fantasy are the obstacles as are restlessness, anxiety, confusion and delusion. Swadistana sleeping pattern is 8-10 hours often sleep in almost a fetal position.

Manipura or "City of Gems" is the Third Chakra- Patala Siddhi or the Giver of Constant Happiness may occur. Disease is conquered. The Fire of Life burns brilliantly and there is excellent health and vitality. Time is conquered and he can become very long lived. He can discover cures for diseases and medicines, and there is a deep understanding of physiology. Egotism is gone. There can be the power to create and destroy, to make gold and find hidden treasures. Obstacles when Point of Awareness is in Manipura are a great desire for personal power, fame and recognition. There is a desire to manage or control others. When the Point of Awareness is in Manipura one will generally sleep 6-8 hours a night, often on the back. Most of adult humanity dwells in Manipura.

Anahata or "Unstricken" is the Fourth or Heart Chakra-the may be knowledge of past present and future. Clairaudience and clairvoyance often occurs. There is awareness of one's karma. The effects of meditating on Anahata are considered to be esoteric. It is to be experience for oneself. When the kundalini and Point of Awareness meet in Anahata, the enlightenment experience of seeing God in everything (not a concept but the actual seeing)occurs. It is the state of a saint, prophet or mystic. There is a deep love of sound. Obstacles in Anahata are experiences of purgatory or spirit realms, restless wondering, boredom and emotional disturbance and fear. He may become a "spiritual window shopper" jumping from one tradition to anotherseeking liberation from his restlessness, lonliness or boredom. The Anahata sleeping pattern is often 4-6 hours a night sleeping on the left side.

Vishuddhi ("Pure") Throat Chakra-Calmness Serenity, Purity, great command of speech and and understanding of dreams and philosophy. Master of the entire self. No longer a slave to the mind. Reasoning rises above the heart. He has broken the knot of compassion, of attachment to spiritual orders and to ancient ways. This chakras relates to the "Chit" or Cosmic Consciousness. Only knowledge is sought. Obstacles of the Point of Awareness in Vishuddhi are negative intellect which can occur from using knowledge unwisely. The one whose awareness is in Vissudhi generally sleeps from 4-6 hours. When the Point of Awareness and kundalini meet in Vishuddhi, the enlightenment experience common to Taoism occurs. It is a state of non-judgement where the commentary of the mind ceases. There is no interference with the experience. Reality presents itself as it is.

Ajnea ("Authority" or "Unlimited Power") Brow Chakra- One receives benefits of all the chakras while meditation on Ajnea. Past life karma is destroyed and there is freedom from all conditioning. There is a freedom from attachments and appeasement of obsessions and desires. A continuous state of samadhi ( an experience of realized non-duality) may occur. There are visions of the past, present and future. Whatever is desired comes true. All internal and external changes no longer cause suffering. When the kundalini and Point of Awareness meet here, the state of enlightenment common to Buddhism is experienced. It is the state of non judgement of the previous chakra coupled with the realization of the dependently arising nature of the Universe. The entire Universe is seen in whatever is viewed. It is the quintessential "To see the Universe in a grain of sand." There is an appeasement of all obsessions. Those with the Point of Awareness in Ajnea in Ajnea sleep little. Two hours or so a night. The sound that this chakra responds to is "Aum" chanted repeatedly in a specific way. And while it is perhaps instinctive for the seeker to want to immediately start working on this chakra, as the benefits meditating on all the chakras are experienced, be aware that it has long been observed chanting "Aum" repeatedly will transform a householder (homeowner) into a sanyasi (one who has renounced the world) or a beggar. It means this practice may impact your dwelling, family and possessions.

Sahasrara ("Thousand Petaled" or also called Shunya meaning "Empty" or "Void")-The plane of happiness. There is no activity of the mind, no knower, no knowledge, nothing to be known. Knowledge, knower and known become one. There is liberation of the senses. Emotions and desires dissolve. Union is attained. There is no sense of seperate existence as long as in physical body. All siddhis are obtained, but this individual has no desire to use those siddhis. When the Point of Awareness and kundalini merge at Sahasrara enlightenment experience common to Hinduism is experienced. There is no separation between the experience and the experiencer. You are what you see. The ancients called this state "Aham Bramhasmin.", meaning "I am That" or "I am this whole process called the Universe."


AlexzaNYC - Beehive

"Bee in the present and not be attached to events moving around you".
- Alexza DeCroix


Tapping for the Chakras

This chap has dozens of other videos on YouTube. In the search I would put "chakra tapping" to get all his videos.

If you've never tried the Emotional Management System (aka Emotional Freedom Technique), you're living your life in black and white and NOT in high-definition. As each day passes, the decisions you are making are based off of previous experiences that don't necessarily apply to the decisions you'll make today. For more info, go to Emofree.com

Siddhis and the Chakras

"Chakras are sometimes called "Wheels of the Mind". They are psychic centers that can not really be described fully from a psychological or material view in the same way a cake can not be considered to be just flour, vanilla, sugar, eggs and chocolate. There is a force that has been applied to the ingredients that makes it a cake. Chakras are energy centers that are interelated with the autonomous, parasympathetic and and sympathetic nervous systems.

Each individual perceives and understands life through the perspective of the chakra in which he feels the most comfortable relating from. This is called the "Point of Awareness". In a sense the chakra of the primary point of awareness colours the experience. It is like a filter on a camera, contributing to "Maya" which in the ancient sense of the word was not illusion but rather a faulty or filtered perception of reality as presented by the senses. Knowledge is lacking for acurate perception or interpretation. When the point of awareness-the presiding state of consciousness-and kundalini merge in the upper chakras, enlightenment experiences occur. Sometimes they are permanent, sometimes not. If the force of this merging is intense enough it will lead to a genetic restructuring of the brain and ultimately enlightenment such as that which occurs with deep and profound insight. The Point of Awareness of most humans is in the lower 3 chakras-the majority of us dwell in Manipura or the third chakra.. However there are yoga and meditation techiniques that can slowly and safely raise the Point of Awareness if practiced daily. Chakras respond to certain sounds and smells in the same manner that you respond to your name. Each chakra has sound that can be chanted while focusing upon it image that will help to move the Point of Awareness. For example, the sound that the brow chakra responds to is "Aum". This practice of elevating the Point of Awareness is best done as if one is climbing a ladder. For example if the Point of Awareness is in the second chakra, one would focus on the third chakra and raise the awareness to that level for some time before proceeding to the forth chakra. Once the awareness has stabilized in that chakra (and it will in general take at least 45 days) it is time to work on and discover the next chakra. In helping to determine one's own Point of Awareness if you cannot see or sense your dominate chakra, you can consider your temperament, desires and obstacles, and you can consider your sleeping patterns and position in which you sleep.

Siddhi Powers are sometimes gained by focusing on various chakras causing an activation of that specific energy center. Siddhi powers are sometimes experienced as a result. . In an ancient tradition of Enlightenment such as that which has been preserved by the enlightened monks (the siddha purushas), of Satyaloka Monastery, siddhi powers as well as enlightenment were often passed down from master to seeker through diksha (spiritual initiation). The diksha can be likened to a seed. It may take effect at once or could stay latent for years. Perhaps it will never take root. There are many variables. Diksha is part of an triad employed in ancient shamanistic cultures to help thrust the seeker into a permanent state of enlightenment. This triad is diksha, sadhana (spiritual practice such as yoga & meditation), and maha sutras. Siddhartha recieved many such dikshas from his teachers in his struggle for enlightenment. Following is a listing of siddhis that may occur in the Journey to Enlightenment or in working with the various chakras.

Following is a list of 23 siddhi powers...

(Warrior Siddhi Power)

1. Trikalajriatvam - knowledge of the past, present and future.
2. Advandvam: to be beyond pleasure-pain, cold-heat, soft-hard. Non-duality.
3. Parachittadyabhijnata: knowledge of dreams and the mind.
4. Pratishtambah: control of effect of fire, wind, water, poisons, weapons, and the sun.
5. Aparajayah: Victorious. Not able to be defeated.

The next are considered only to occur as the heart begins to purify and flower:

6. Anumimattvam: hunger, thirst, grief, sorrow, infatuation, delusion and confusion of the mind, old age and death do not harm the body.
7. Doorshravan: to hear, sitting at one place, speech from however distant a place.
8. Dudarshan: to see simultaneously events and things in all the realms.
9. Manojava: the body can travel at the speed of thought to any place.
10. Kaamaroopa: to assume any form. Shapeshifting.
11. Parakayapravesh: ability to enter into another's body, whether they are dead or alive.
12. Swachchandamrutyu: to die at one's own will, death having no control over one.
13. Sahakridanudarshanam: to see the sports of gods in heaven and have capacity and prowess to participate in it.
14. Yathaasamkalpa samsiddhi: to attain whatever is desired.
15. Ajnaapratihataagatih: whereby one's command and movement have no obstruction.

These are considered to be the highest siddhi powers:

16. Anima: the reduction of one's form to one atom. Invisibility.
17. Mahima/Garima: the body can be made to be very heavy.
18. Laghima: the body can be made to be extremely light
19. Prapti: abilty to acquire objects of sense pertaining to the respective organs.
20. Prakaashya: to see invisible things in other realms.
21. Ishitaa: to stimulate bodies and creatures Control of forces of nature.
22. Vashita: to have control or dominion over the senses.
23. Yatkamastadavasyati: To obtain joy by willing it so. The cessation of misery and desire. This is considered to be the highest state of bliss.


1st Chakra

Chakra One ~
Mulhadara: root
Element~ Earth
Issues~ survival, money, work, grounding, health
Physical location~: base of spine, legs, feet
Allows us to have vitality and health and to survive and prosper.

1st chakra
leg lifts, tree pose, gardening, eating balanced regular meals,
massage: legs feet, leg lifts
accupressure: Joyful Sleep

1. Oh



2nd Chakra

Chakra Two~
Svadisthana: sweet
Element~ Water
issues~ emotions, sexuality
Physical location~ abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs
Allows us to feel our emotions, experience pleasure, and accept change

2nd chakra
hip rolls, cat/cow, goddess pose
massage: lower back, stretching out hips and flexors
accupressure: sea of energy

2. Ue (as in due)



3rd Chakra

Chakra Three ~
Manipura: lustrous jewel
Element~ Fire
issues~ personal power, will, autonomy,
Physical location~ solar plexus,mid back
Allows us to experience vitality, strength of will, be effective, and personal power.

3rd chakra
sit ups, woodchopper, belly breathing,
massage: stomach, midback
reflexology: solar plexus

3. Ah ( as in father)



4th Chakra

Chakra Four~
Anahata: unstruck
Element~ Air
issues~ love, attachment
Physical location~ heart, upper back
Allows us to love deeply, feel balanced, and be compassionate.

4th chakra:
finger stretches, yoga mudra, chest breathing, massage upper back, sides under arm
massage: heart, upper midback
accupressure: sea of tranquility

4. Ay (as in play)



5th Chakra

Chakra Five:
Visuddha: purification
Element~ Sound
Issues~ communication, creativity
Physical location~ throat, shoulders
Allows us to express ourselves, communicate well, and resonate with self and others.

5th chakra:
neck stretches, toning, massage neck, shoulders, jaw
massage: throat, back of neck
accupressure: gates of consciousness

5. Ee (as in see)



6th Chakra

Chakra Six: Ajna: to perceive
Element~ Light,
Issues~ vision, intuition, imagination
Physical location: pituitary gland,eyes
Allows us to see clearly, both where we are going, and the wider big picture.

6th chakra:
meditation, eye circles, massage temples, over eyebrows
massage: temples
accupressure: third eye, between eyebrows
reflexology: master gland

6. Mmnn


Self Massage of the Face - Face Massage Techniques (1)



Quote of the day......

"I never drink water; that is the stuff that rusts pipes."
- W. C. Fields

7th Chakra

In Sanskrit, Chakra translates into wheel, or disk. Chakras are energy centers; think of them as the software to the bodies’ hardware. There are seven major chakras that run down the center of the body and relate to the seven major nerve ganglia that extend from the spine. Among other things chakras correlate to elements, developmental stages of life, colors, sounds, bodily functions.

Chakra Seven: Sahasrara to know
Element~ Thought
Issues~ knowing, understanding
Physical location: brain
Allows us to experience bliss, expand our beliefs and consciousness.

7th chakra:
meditation, shavasana, seated yoga mudra
massage: -------
accupressure: governing vessel , massage head, bones of skull

7. Ngngng (as in sing)
